

Teeth whitening (In-Office) is a procedure where our dentist restores the natural shade of the teeth which have been discolored or where the natural shade of the teeth have to be whitened beyond their natural shades which are not as white as the patients want them to be. This process is a single visit process where our dentists use a special tooth whitening kit with a Special Ultraviolet Light kit to whiten the teeth. The process takes about one hour and is done in two to three 20 minutes segments depending on the shade to be achieved.

Commonly Asked Questions

Is the treatment painful?
In-Office Dental Whitening uses a mix of concentrations of bleaching agents due to which sensitivity on the teeth is normally to be expected during and after the treatment. Although the teeth are isolated, there are chances the whitening gel may touch the gums and cause irritation on them. Not only is the patient given guidance but our dentist also prescribe anti-sensitivity toothpastes and vitamin e gels for the patients to use after the treatment is done.
Will my teeth stay white forever?
If not taken good care of, and if at-home whitening kits are not used, chances of relapse increase. However, even after complete care, the shade of the teeth begins to slowly revert back after 9 months to One year.
Can the process be done on my first visit to the dentist?
Indeed it can be if you require no filling or cleaning! If you do, then the procedures are done first and then you are given an appointment after 3 to 4 days


removes stain, plaque and calculus build ups around teeth and polish them to make sure the gums and teeth heal. The process uses a specialized cleaning instrument called an Ultrasonic Scaler. A very small scaling tip is connected to the scaler and vibrates at ultrasonic speed to break away any and/or all hard build ups. This process prevents severely destructive dental problems such as gingivitis and periodontitis which are the main culprits for multiple caries and loose teeth also causing gaps between them

Commonly Asked Questions

Is the treatment painful?
Although most people prefer getting the treatment done without anesthesia, there are some cases which are more severe and require anesthetics to be given before treatment. However, once the treatment is done, there is barely any need for pain killers.
What are the side effects of Scaling and Polishing?
Side effects of Scaling and Polishing include sensitivity of the teeth for a period of one week to two weeks. It varies from person to person and the severity of the condition for which this treatment was advised and some patients do not even feel any sensitivity. Irritation in the gums is also another side effect which resolves in a matter of days.
How often should I go for Scaling and Polishing?
Our Dentist’s recommendation for Scaling and Polishing are as follows:
Scaling and Polishing should be done after every 6 Months.
I have heard that scaling and polishing causes gaps between teeth and make them weaker?
Contrary to popular belief, this is a myth that almost every dentist has heard from their patients. The gaps between the teeth is not caused by a single to double visit treatment but because of the hard calculi deposits building up in years between their teeth and also due to periodontitis. Once the calculi are removed, patients will notice a gap between the teeth. After scaling and polishing, the gums begin to regrow and cover most of the area if the loss is minimal. If the loss of gums and bone is very extensive then our dentist guides the patients towards rehabilitation


A root canal treatment is a process through which our Dentist removes the now decayed blood vessels and nerves which were once supplying nourishment and life to the tooth. The tooth is cleaned from its Pulp Chamber to the tip of the root canals and is then sealed with special material. Once sealed, the tooth is then filled and a crown is then placed on the top of the tooth. The treatment time and the number of visits is determined by the severity of the infection. It takes about a single visit up to months while the patients go about their normal routinely life.

Commonly Asked Questions

Is root canal treatment a painful process?
Ideally, the tooth to be treated is anesthetized and due to the numbness patients do not feel any pain. If the infection is very severe, then our dentist does not proceed and recommends antibiotics with pain killers until it subsides and he can then treat the tooth.
How long does the pain last after root canal treatment?
Usually after root canal, mild to moderate pain may exist due to instrumentations, for which our dentist do prescribe over the counter pain killers. The pain may last from a day to up to a week. If the pain becomes unbearable, contact us immediately
Why do I get a bad taste in my mouth after root canal treatment?
During your first visit, our dentists may place a medication inside of your tooth to give you pain relief and mummify any remnant of pulp. The medications placed inside may give a bad taste in your mouth for a couple of days.
Why does my tooth still hurt after root canal treatment?
Although a root canal treatment has a 90% success rate, there might be chances that the treatment may fail. Some of the reasons are as follows:

  1. Re-infection
  2. Missed Canals
  3. Remnants of infection or pulp left
  4. fractured tooth
  5. failing supporting structures of the tooth
  6. Microleakage between the filling and the tooth

Is it important to place a crown over the root canal treated tooth?
Yes! After the completion of the treatment the tooth becomes brittle and is prone to break or wear off. A crown protects the tooth from breaking and seals the tooth, preventing chances of microleakage.


This is the field of dentistry that involves simple extraction to more complicated cases such as surgical extractions, bone grafting, and sinus uplifting. Teeth that are not salvageable or are periodontally compromised need to be extracted at times.

Commonly AskedQuestions

Is extraction painful?
Incase of a simple extraction the tooth to be extracted is anesthetized or numbed initially. The patient might experience soreness or slight pain after the extraction has been performed and in order to control pain, pain killers are advised.
How long does the healing take?
Complete healing takes place in 4 weeks. Any replacement of the extracted tooth has to wait for a minimum of this time in order for the bone to resorb and deposit. Once it is healed, you may proceed with any form of replacement you would prefer.
Can I replace the extracted tooth immediately?
Any replacement of the extracted tooth has to wait for a minimum of 3 to 4 weeks in order for the bone to resorb and deposit. In the meantime, a removable denture can be placed as a temporary replacement. Once it is healed, you may proceed with any form of replacement you would prefer
What to expect in a surgical wisdom tooth extraction?
Soreness, pain and swelling are to be expected in such kind of extraction. These symptoms may persist from a week to two weeks. Painkillers, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to prevent any further complications from arising.
Should I go on an empty stomach for surgery?
You should NEVER go on an empty stomach to surgery. Eat healthy One hour before Surgery.
Can I get my tooth extracted at any time?
Although simple extractions can be done during any time of the day but our dentist advice our patients to go for extractions in the morning


Crowns are an excellent choice when recreating the form and function of a damaged tooth. A crown basically replaces the entire external portion of the tooth down to the gum level.
A bridge is very useful when replacing a tooth or a couple of teeth that are no longer viable. The ceramic such as porcelain, empress or zirconia can be sculpted to replicate the look of natural tooth enamel and using these durable materials give your bridge a strong base to rely on.

Commonly Asked Questions

Does crown preparation hurt?
In an ideal scenario, where the tooth has been root canal treated, the tooth cannot hurt and anesthesia is given only for the gums. If the tooth is vital, then the tooth has to be anesthetized for preparation and further guidelines are given to the patients to deal with the sensitivity afterwards, if present.
Why does my bridge/crown feel awkward?
Initially it takes some time getting used to a new crown or bridge. Although it is important to let your dentist know if you feel that the crowned/bridged teeth meet up with their opposing teeth before other teeth. This might mean that you may have a high spot present which can be reduced by the dentist.
My crown came off, should I throw it away?
Dental Crowns and bridges have a long life span, however, they are cemented to the teeth so if the crown does come off, immediately take it to the dentist and get it re-cemented. If the tooth on which the crown is seated is also broken, then your dentist can guide you if the tooth can be crowned or not!
How long does a dental crown last?
Dental crowns last on average between 5 and 15 years depending on how well they are made and cared for.


Dental Braces are appliances that function together to straighten any rotation, crowding, spacing, and other anomalies with the teeth in their respective arches. These appliances tend to move teeth within the bone to align them in a straight arch. The ideal age for fixed orthodontics is around the age of 10 to 12 years old however, they can be give an at any age. The time duration depends upon the severity of the conditions and may last from a minimum of 6 months to upto 2 years.


Types Of Braces:

  1. Fixed Orthodontics:
    a. Metal Braces
    b. Ceramic Braces
  2.  Removable Orthodontics
    a. Removable Retainers
    b. Clearpath / Invisalign


Commonly Asked Questions

Are braces painful?
Absolutely not! Braces when placed only cause slight discomfort and pressure in the mouth. Sometimes, initially, patients are given wax strips to place on areas where the patients feel that the brackets are impinging on the gums.
How do I clean my teeth after braces?
After the braces are placed, our dentists recommend great oral hygiene. They prescribe a special orthodontic toothbrush with toothpastes and mouthwashes for use. They also guide the patients on how to use the brush.
I have heard that I need to get some teeth extracted for braces, is that true?
In cases where there is severe crowding and there is no space for the front teeth to move to, premolar teeth are the ones to be extracted to gain some space. The space will then be occupied by other teeth and no one but dentists would be able to tell if the premolars had been extracted.
I want to go for Invisible Braces, is it possible?
Invisible braces are indeed advised for patients who have mild to moderate orthodontic conditions. If the conditions are too severe then these are not the ideal choice. It is therefore highly advised that you discuss with our dentists before the treatment so they may guide you better.


Dentures are fixed or removable prosthesis that may be complete (all teeth) to partial (one or more but more natural teeth are available in the jawbone). There are many different types of dentures our clinic provides. Such Dentures are:

  1. Acrylic Dentures
  2. Cast Partial Dentures
  3. Flexible Dentures

Dentures get their support from the teeth and the ridge of the jaw where the teeth are. They are very economic as compared to other tooth replacement options. However, Oral hygiene maintenance is the most important factor in the support, stability, and retention of the dentures. It takes about 4 to 5 visits for the complete fabrication of the dentures in which our dentists make sure the dentures seat well, the patients jaw relation is maintained, and the type and color of the teeth are selected.

Commonly Asked Questions

Can I get fixed dentures instead of removable?
In-Office Dental Whitening uses a mix of concentrations of bleaching agents due to which sensitivity on the teeth is normally to be expected during and after the treatment. Although the teeth are isolated, there are chances the whitening gel may touch the gums and cause irritation on them. Not only is the patient given guidance but our dentist also prescribe anti-sensitivity toothpastes and vitamin e gels for the patients to use after the treatment is done.
I just had a tooth extracted, can I get a denture made immediately?
It is highly recommended that you wait for the bone and gums to heal after extraction. The waiting time ranges from 2 weeks to almost 4 weeks. If the denture is placed for the temporary transition towards implants, try not to wear it excessively as it may cause more bone resorption.